The Resilience Recipe

7 Habits for Emotional Fortitude

Gholamreza Zare
15 min readNov 17, 2023


Imagine you’re in the driver’s seat of a classic convertible, cruising down the highway of life. The sun is shining, the road is open, but wait — there’s a twist in the plot. Suddenly, you’re swerving through unexpected turns of anxiety, speeding over the bumps of frustration and navigating the foggy patches of sadness. This journey isn’t about switching to autopilot and snoozing through the emotions. It’s about gripping that steering wheel, feeling every curve, and learning to drive like a pro, rain or shine. So, buckle up, rev your engines, and let’s hit the road on this thrilling adventure of mastering emotional resilience. It’s not just a ride; it’s a journey of self-discovery, and you’ve got the best seat in the house!

The driver’s seat of a classic convertible embodies the spirit of emotional resilience and self-discovery.


Welcome to the rollercoaster of life — where emotions are the loops, drops, and sometimes, those bits where you’re hanging upside down, wondering if your breakfast is about to make a reappearance. Emotional strength? It’s not about strapping yourself in and screaming into the void (although that’s totally acceptable on occasion). No, it’s about being the savvy theme park visitor who knows which rides to hit, when to take a breather, and how to keep their lunch securely where it belongs.



Gholamreza Zare

Tech enthusiast & writer on a journey of self-improvement and software engineering. Reach me at Explore more: