Riding the Dual Tracks of Life

Gholamreza Zare
11 min readNov 11, 2023

A Deep Dive into Eckhart Tolle’s Philosophy

Riding the Dual Tracks of Life

Picture yourself on a high-speed train, hurtling down the tracks. Meanwhile, you’re up in the first-class cabin, trying to balance a latte in one hand and your constantly vibrating phone in the other. All the while, you’re mentally going over your PowerPoint presentation for what feels like the hundredth time. Downstairs, in the quiet car, your inner self is sipping a calm cup of awareness, feet up, gazing out at the rolling hills of the present moment. Welcome aboard Eckhart Tolle’s express to enlightenment, where life isn’t just about the destination but also about finding peace in the journey. Buckle up; we’re about to explore the two tracks of our existence and why one is more crucial than the other.


Imagine yourself in a bustling, vibrant city, the epitome of modern life. Above ground, it’s a whirlwind of activity — skyscrapers reaching for the clouds, streets teeming with people, and the air buzzing with the sounds of relentless ambition. This is the world as we often experience it, as depicted by Eckhart Tolle — a place of constant motion where achievements, social interactions, and material pursuits define our existence. It’s a cityscape of tangible realities, where every moment is scheduled, and every action is a step towards some grand goal.



Gholamreza Zare

Tech enthusiast & writer on a journey of self-improvement and software engineering. Reach me at ghrzarea@gmail.com. Explore more: https://amazon.com/author/zare