Life is a Self-Serve Buffet

Stop Waiting, Start Creating

Gholamreza Zare


Photo by Saile Ilyas on Unsplash

Imagine this: you walk into a restaurant, hungry and ready to feast. You sit down at a cozy table by the window, pull out your phone, and start scrolling, waiting for someone to come take your order. Time ticks by, and you notice that the people who arrived after you are already eating, their plates heaping with delicious food. Frustrated, you look around and realize another table, also seated after you, is digging into their meal as well.

“Excuse me,” you say to one of them, “I was here before you. How come you got served already?”

The person looks at you with a hint of amusement and replies, “Oh, didn’t you know? This is a self-serve restaurant. You have to go to the counter and get your own food.”

Boom! The revelation hits you like a lightning bolt. You’ve been sitting there, waiting for service in a place where you need to serve yourself. Suddenly, everything makes sense. The common thread running through all your frustrations isn’t the restaurant’s poor service; it’s your expectation that someone else would do the work for you.

Welcome to the Self-Serve Buffet of Life

Life is much like that self-serve restaurant. We often sit around, waiting for someone to come along and take our orders, to hand us opportunities on a…



Gholamreza Zare

Tech enthusiast & writer on a journey of self-improvement and software engineering. Reach me at Explore more: