Are You Starving Your Creativity?

How to Fuel Your Fire and Ignite Your Output

Gholamreza Zare


Ah, the eternal dance of creativity — a swirling, twirling partner that sometimes steps on our toes when we least expect it. Like trying to catch lightning in a bottle, harnessing creativity often feels like a game of chance. But here’s the kicker: it’s not about luck. It’s about fuel. Imagine your creativity as a roaring, crackling campfire. To keep it alive, you can’t just stare at it, willing it to burn brighter. You have to keep feeding it wood. Without a steady supply of logs, sticks, or even the occasional pinecone, our fire’s going to dwindle into a sad, smoky memory.

Photo by Elias Maurer on Unsplash

I’ve been there, sitting in front of a dying fire, blowing on embers, hoping for a spark. I’ve realized that without my consistent effort to seek out inspiring inputs — those logs and pinecones for the soul — I couldn’t expect my creative output to flourish. It’s like expecting to run a marathon without training or hoping to bake a masterpiece of a cake without following a recipe. Sure, you might get lucky and jog a few miles or accidentally mix the right ingredients together, but it’s not a sustainable strategy.

So, how do you keep the fire burning? How do you ensure that your creative output stays out? It’s simple: feed it, but not just with anything. You’ve got to find the right fuel.



Gholamreza Zare

Tech enthusiast & writer on a journey of self-improvement and software engineering. Reach me at Explore more: